Options for restructuring client assets when they have repatriated to the UK
Traditionally, offshore Insurance Bonds have offered some excellent tax planning opportunities for UK clients living overseas. Yet, upon repatriation to the UK, certain policies will need to be changed so they don’t incur additional taxation.
International advisers are adept at providing offshore and localised solutions to clients in the jurisdiction in which they are based in. Therefore, understanding the implications for clients repatriating to the UK with “highly personalised” assets is crucial. If your clients choose to return home or relocate to the UK, its vital they ensure their investment portfolios are aligned accordingly.
With Personal Portfolio Bonds, these policies need to be endorsed and in order to endorse them you will need to sell down certain assets which include structured products.
As the number of clients who repatriate continues to rise, we are seeing more demand for investment solutions that continue to offer exceptional returns and deliver high levels of capital protection.
Clients wishing to continue benefiting from the unique features of structured products when becoming UK resident may wish to consider IDAD’s Dual Option Deposits.
Register below to view the on demand Webinar giving further information about our UK Deposits.